Portrait Painting Procedure

  The first/initial meeting will be held to establish the key points for the commissioned work (Note: This can be done by phone or email): 

  • Subject: One or more figures

  • Theme: Any particular favorite classical artist or timeframe in history. In addition, the expectations of the client with regard to what the final painting's mood will convey is discussed at this time.

  • Clothing: Formal, Informal or Period Dress.

  • Location:  Special settings, indoor or outdoors.

  • Background:  Simple or detailed

  • Special Lighting:  Any special atmospheric lighting

  • Size of Finished Painting

  • Color Schemes:  If painting is to be hung in a specific location, is there a specific decor color scheme to be matched

  • Price: Based on the agreed size, complexity and number of figures to be painted.

The second meeting will be the first sitting, which will consists of photographs being taken of subject(s) and initial sketches which will take about two to three hours.  When taking the photographs for the initial sitting,  lighting and camera equipment work may be done indoors or outside as lighting needs require.  In some instances a life study in oil  of the head area will be done if time permits.  In some cases a second sitting may be necessary, either to do a head study or to take additional photographs. Sometimes the initial meeting and  photographic session may take place on the same day, depending on location. 

The photographs/sketches will be submitted promptly to the client for their approval of the basic concept of pose and expression.  The painting may take up to one year to complete depending upon size and details involved.

Sittings will take place at the subject’s place of residence, the artist’s studio, or at an agreed upon location by both parties.

Tim Tron can be reached at:

E-mail: twtron@live.com

©All the artist's works, image scans and website design on this website are protected by copyright. 

See ©copyright details for more information.

Website created and ©copyrighted by Tim Tron